The RightSure Blog – Why Do Thieves Want to Steal Catalytic Converters?

Why Do Thieves Want to Steal Catalytic Converters? Audacious criminals are being caught on camera stealing car’s catalytic converters (CAT) – in broad daylight. Stunned onlookers often film theives jumping out of a getaway vehicle, one jacking up the car, one cutting out the catalytic converter while the other acts as a lookout. These videos […]
Road Safety Tips this Winter

Winter is definitely here and it is important that you take safety on the roads very seriously as they become more dangerous at this time of year. Breakdowns are extremely common over Christmas; just as you want an extra five minutes in bed on a cold morning it seems our vehicles react in the same […]
The RightSure Blog – Prepare for winter weather now

With the great majority of motorists experiencing their first week of night driving on the way home from work this year, after the clocks were turned back an hour at the weekend, the realisation that winter is upon us will suddenly have hit home. Many drivers in the south of the country found themselves trying […]
Is Your Car Winter Ready?

Rain, snow and longer periods of darkness can make driving during the winter more hazardous. In recent years, extreme weather has seen an increase with it showing no signs of letting up. Stay safe and make sure you are prepared well in advance. During these times, roadside assistant services see an increase in the number […]